SELCO power distribution unit generator control element, Denmark


The SELCO FlexGen generation of the C6200 GenController

Generator Controller GC2000
SIGMA Power Management module S6610
SIGMA Control Module S6100
SIGMA Protection Module S6000
FlexGen User Interface C6500
FlexGen Generator Controller C6200

Protection and Control Relays
Reverse Power Relay T2000
Excitation Loss Relay T2100
Overcurrent Relay T2200
Short Circuit Relay T2300
Dual Overcurrent Relay T2400
Overcurrent & Short Circuit Relay T2500
Dual Current Relay T2600

Overload Relay T2700
Overcurrent or Earth Fault Relay T2800
Differential Current Relay T2900
Frequency Relay T3000
Voltage Relay T3100
Insulation Monitoring Relay T3200
Voltage Relay (3-Phase) T3300
Frequency Deviation Relay T3500

Auto Synchronizer T4000
Load Sharer T4400 for Electronic Speed Controller
Auto Synchronizer T4500 for Conventional Governors
Load Sharer T4800 for Conventional Governors
VAr Load Sharer T4900
Motorized Potentiometer E7800
Synchroscope M8100
Paralleling Relay T5000
Electronic Potentiometer T7900
Blackout Limiter T8400

Power Relay G2000
Current Relay G2200
Frequency Relay G3000
Voltage Relay G3100
Voltage Relay G3300
Voltage Relay G3600
Megaohmmeter E2323 for T3200
USB programming cable (A to B) K1025 for M1000

RS-232 Programming Cable for M1000, K3452
IP54 cover for M1000, M2000, M2100, M0800
Programming Cable for T7900 Electronic Potentiometer, T7901
Programming Kit for G-Line G0100
Printed Circuit Boards M0700
Analogue Alarm Monitor M3000
Alarm Monitor Plus M1000
Alarm Monitor M1000
Alarm Monitor M4200

Alarm Indicator with MODBUS M4780
Alarm Indicator M4700
Alarm Indicator M4600
Alarm Indicator M4500
6-Way Transmitter M1500 PT100
Engine Controller M2500
Engine Controller M2000
Emergency Controller M2100
Shut-down unit M2600

Shut-down M0600 unit
Tacho Detector M0500
Generator Controller GC2000
SIGMA Power Management S6610
SIGMA User Interface S6500
SIGMA Control Module S6100

SIGMA Protection Module S6000
FlexGen User Interface C6500
FlexGen Generator Controller C6200