The Danish MEPSOxScrubber

Mep SOx Scrubber works
MEP Inline SOx Scrubber

The SOx Scrubber Unit contains
A water monitoring solution
me-dia (PAH, turbidity, and pH/temperature)
The control equipment monitors pumps, temperatures, flow, water treatment and ex-haust gas composition in complete compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. The control  system includes easy to use HMI.

Process water for the scrubber unit is taken from the process tank. The process water is also returned to this tank. Fresh water is added continuously, and wastewater is taken out for wastewater treatment.

Serves as the primary seawater pump in open loop and as recirculation pump for exhaust gas scrubbing water in closed loop mode.

The cooling system is based on seawater being pumped into a heat exchanger and back to the sea in a closed system without any connection to the internal process water flows.

Ensures the exhaust gas is cooled down quickly, before it enters the scrubber tower. This pump allows you to boost the water pressure to receive a high amount of water through injection nozzles.

Cools down the scrubbing water when running in closed loop mode to ensure that the exhaust gas temperature exiting the scrubber unit is as low as 45°C. The low exhaust temperature of 45°C is also maintained in open loop mode.

Is a custom-built dosing and monitoring system that can utilize Natrium Carbonate (Na2CO3), Magnesium Oxide (MgO) or Caustic Soda (NaOH) depending on the requirements of the preferred vessel profile.

Treats and separates naturally occurring salts, carbon particles and unburnt fuel from the process water when running in closed loop mode.

Discharges the cleaned process water from the holding tank and into the sea when in closed loop mode.